
Showing posts with the label The Pulse

Lost and Found. AI experiments I "THE PULSE"

 I am experimenting with AI. This is fun. Actually this is the most fun I had with making music in a long time. I decided to reimagine and then rerecord all the old "The Sinister Urge!" songs - those that came before "CREAM8" and even further to my first musical recordings. But more on that later. What you can listen here to a by-products and leftovers. They are all created and written by me, but not necessarily in the intend to create a CREAMVIII-like song, but simply to try out the new technology. You may find interesting stuff there, and you might think this is rubbish. It is up to you .... have Fun! 1. The Pulse This was the first AI-generated song. I wanted to write a 80ies synth-pop song about living in the floodlands of Hamburg in 1986, which I did (I mean lived there at the time). About the feeling of being isolated in a big city. I was very impressed by what the AI made out of it. Sometimes the AI does change the lyrics, so sometimes what you hear is not wh...