In His Name or Not

This is a 2006 fragment that I have lying around here since the abandonened "Norden" album, The four songs we completed were then "released" as the "F-Nord" EP. I still believe that these four songs are the pinnacle of CREAMVIII and it is very sad that Sascha left in the middle of the production. Well, of course there were many many songs more that we wanted to record. And this is one of them. It's about religion in general when it is used as means of power. Again, this is the AI version. AI did not let me use the term "God" (the original line was "In the name of God") which shows that you are not free to express what you think with AI. Nevertheless, here it is: In His Name or Not composition and lyrics 2004-2024 by Boris Brosowski (In his name or not) You hurt and kill the children (In his name or not) You deny and you deceive (In his name or not) I've come to my own conclusion (In his name or not) That I cannot believe ...